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Monday, March 30, 2015

Happy Easter!

There's plenty of Easter vocabulary and traditions for your ESL students to learn about this week - starting with Good Friday on Friday, April 14th and Easter Sunday on April 16th. Have your students learn more about this religious celebration as well as the commercial side of Easter including the Easter bunny, chocolate goodies and the joys of Easter egg hunting!


EL Civics: Easter picture vocabulary lesson with follow up activities
ESL Kids Stuff: A PDF Easter lesson and activities
ESL Flow: Culture and celebration Easter activities
English WSheets: Vocabulary worksheets for Easter
Teach-nology: Activities and worksheets for Easter
Get English Lessons: History of Easter video and questions
ESOL Courses: Online Easter worksheets and vocabulary lessons
ESL Fast: A beginner reading about Easter eggs with follow up activities
Anglomaniacy: An Easter vocabulary quiz
Bogglesworld ESL: Easter worksheets
Canada-ESL: Reading and follow up activities on Easter Around the World
Ciao From Debbie: An Easter reading comprehension exercise
ISL Collective: 140 Easter worksheets and activities: donation site
The Holiday Zone: A variety of Easter activities
English is a Piece of Cake: PDF lesson plan and activities on Easter
Heads Up English: Listening/reading activity on the History of Easter
English Centre: Easter customs and traditions worksheet
ABC Teacher: An Easter reading with vocabulary and comprehension questions
ITESLJ: Easter discussion questions
A4ESL: A short reading with online comprehension questions on Easter
A4ESL: Online grammar quiz associated with Easter
Learn English Feel Good: A vocabulary quiz on Easter
ESL Holiday Lessons: Reading with follow up activities about Easter Sunday
ESL Video Quiz: The History of Easter listening and quiz
YouTube: Short video on Easter questions with answers
Can Teach: Easter songs and poems

Sunday, March 29, 2015

April ESL Planning Themes and Topics

Be sure to check out April Themes and Topics and follow ESL Made Easy for weekly posts on some of them this month. An important topic coming up in the early part of this month is Easter and there will be plenty of links for teachers to find worksheets and activities for their ESL classrooms. April is also a good time to talk about spring flowers (and allergies!) and spring cleaning. Don't forget to mark your calendars for World Health Day, Earth Day, and World Dance Day too!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

March Topic: Earth Hour

It's Earth Hour around the world this Saturday, March 25th (8:30 p.m. local time). This environmental movement, which initially started in 2005 in Sydney, Australia, has encouraged individuals and businesses around the world to show their support for climate change initiatives and an awareness of their own carbon footprint. Be sure to set some time aside to talk about this global climate campaign with your ESL students and see if they're going to turn out their lights for one hour!

Friday, March 20, 2015

March Topic: The Spring Equinox

The Spring Equinox has arrived (March 20/21st) to those living in the Northern Hemisphere and with it comes the joys of warmer weather (we hope!), chirping birds and colorful spring flowers! Make this a time to teach or review spring season vocabulary words and phrases with your ESL students!

1. Does your home country recognize the spring/autumn equinox at this time of the year? Describe the changes.
2. What is your favourite season? Why? Has your preference changed over the years?
3. Do you think people are affected emotionally, mentally, or physically with the early signs of spring? Explain.
4. What are some things in people's lives that change       
according to seasons?

Friday, March 13, 2015

St. Patrick's Day!

March 17th is St. Patrick's Day so get ready to get your green on! For those with an Irish background, it can be both a religious and cultural celebration full of festive parties, parades and food. So get your ESL students to learn more about the history, customs and traditions of St. Patrick's Day as it marks the feast day of the Apostle of Ireland, St. Patrick and the rich Irish culture too. >>>

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

March Topic: World Plumbing Day!

March 11th is World Plumbing Day! If you take some time to explore the importance of plumbing and the impact this industry has had around the word, I think you might be amazed at what a great teaching topic it can be for the ESL classroom!



1. Name some different types of plumbing systems you might find in a typical home of a developed country. How do these systems compare to those found in your home country?
2. Do you think people take plumbing for granted? Explain.
3. What are some of the health consequences of inadequate plumbing? What about where plumbing is completely non-existent?
4. In what ways has plumbing systems changed over the years? Have these changes affected the way we use water?


Thursday, March 5, 2015

March Topic: Daylight Savings Time Begins!

It's that time of the year when we turn our clocks one hour ahead!

Be sure to check out our previous and updated post on Daylight Savings Time (here) and find some of the recommended links around this topic of TIME.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Celebrate International Women's Day!

International Women's Day  is March 8th! This year's theme, Pledge for Parity, encourages pledging towards women and girls worldwide to help them achieve their ambitions and to lessen the gap between gender inequality. Various events and traditions will be taking place to honour and celebrate women's rights and achievements worldwide. Take the time to explore this global event with your ESL students and get them talking about the progress made, as well as the struggles that many women still face today.

See YouTube video - International Women's Day 2016