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Friday, February 24, 2017

February Topic: Blue Jeans!

On February 26th, say Happy Birthday to Levi Strauss, the co-inventor of blue jeans! Get your students to learn about the history of these popular causal pants.

Read more about the history and invention of blue jeans


Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Recommended Sites for Valentine's Day!

History: The History of Valentine's Day (video)
International TELF Academy: Learn about 10 different ways Valentine's Day is celebrated around the world
ESL PDF: Valentine's Day picture vocabulary worksheet 
The Holiday Zone: What is Valentine's Day?- Reading with questions (beginner) 
The Holiday Zone: The Story of St. Valentine with comprehension questions (beginner) 
The Holiday Zone: The Story St. Valentine with vocabulary and questions (intermediate) 
The Holiday Zone: Crossword puzzle challenge (beg/intermediate) 
The Holiday Zone: Crossword word puzzle challenge (advanced) 
5 Minute English: Easy reading with comprehension questions on Valentine's Day 
ESL Holiday Lessons: Reading with follow up activities on Valentine's Day
English Exercises: Valentine's Day worksheets and activities 
Teaching English British Council: Valentine's Day PDF worksheet
EL Civics: a picture vocabulary lesson (with activities) on Valentine's Day
ESL Flow: All about friendship, love and relationships
BogglesWorld ESL: Valentine's Day worksheets 
ITESLJ: Valentine's Day discussion questions
ESOL Courses: Valentine's Day online quizzes 
ESOL Courses: Listening activity on the history of Valentine's Day
ITESLJ: Conversation questions about Valentine's Day
Topics Mag: How Valentine's Day is celebrated around the world
Canada-ESL: Valentine's Day ESL lessons
ESL Video: St. Valentine's listening with quiz
Film English: ESL lesson plans around short films (Love)
ESL Library: Valentine's Day lessons  membership site
ISL Collective: 4 worksheets for Valentine's Day  donation site
The Eventier: Valentine's Images, Poems and Quotes